Hasu Meditation Mint

Our Mission:
To make the practice of mindfulness more accessible. The Hasu Meditation Tablet is a great aid for those who initially struggle to calm their mind and focus while meditating.

The Benefits:
The repetition of bringing your attention back to the dissolving mint each time you feel your mind wandering during meditation helps strengthen the brain's neural circuitry for focus.

Short micro-meditations allow you to momentarily open and enhance your senses, which can translate more seamlessly into a sense of presence during your regular daily activities.

How to use Hasu

Make a two minute time commitment with yourself.

Take three deep intentional breaths of the Hasu mint through your nose.

Place the Hasu mint on your tongue, and focus your attention on the dissolving sensation. It is natural that you might feel the urge to swallow, chew, or suck on the mint.

That is a wandering thought.

Simply return your focus back to the mouthfeel sensation until the mint is completely dissolved.

Try Hasu

With less sugar than a raisin (.2grams), tablets are available in ginger, mint and vanilla. The taste and scent of each variety is balanced to complement your meditation practice. Thoughtfully designed packaging is a pleasing visual reminder on your desk, bedside table or meditation stand.

Give the gift of a mindful moment
Share the wellness benefits of mindfulness with friends, family and colleagues.

Teach mindfulness to others
If you’d like to use Hasu as part of a mindfulness workshop or program, we’d love to hear from you.